tag routing

via the del.icio.us blog: as zawinski's law mandates, del.icio.us now lets you route a tagged article to another del.icio.us user.
We've just begun rolling out support for tagging items for others. To do so, use "for:username" where username is the name of the user you want to send the item to.
You can see items tagged for you at http://del.icio.us/for/ (it'll redirect to your own page, which other users will not be able to see.)
so, if you one day find yourself tagging midget porn on del.icio.us, don't forget to send it my way with a "for:jhc" tag.
Technorati Tags: tags, del.icio.us, delicious, folksonomy, folksonomies, message, routing, sharing, social, software
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