yahoo sms search

russell beattie writes about yahoo's new sms search offering on the y! search blog. i feel like i am becoming a yahoo shill, but their sms search offering definitely has advantages over google's.
for example, when searching for a location, yahoo's results include a link that can be opened in your phone's browser. following this link will take you to a page containing more information: a low res map of the destination, a further link to driving directions, etc.
check it out by texting 92466 (YAHOO):
Right now you can search for any local information by sending a query with your location or zip code like: "pizza 94025", you can get a stock quote with: "s yhoo", weather information: "w 94025", dictionary definitions: "d garrulous", horoscopes: "h aquarius", WiFi hotspots: "wifi 94123", and more are coming.
(pics is of a tv cameraman stencil, outside anthropology, 19th and walnut..for some reason, it reminds me of moore/gibbon's watchmen...)
Technorati Tags: yahoo, search, mobile, sms, texting, cellular, cell, phone, pervasing, computing, wap
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