Monday, May 23, 2005

Need to play more pool

I really need to start playing more pool. After catching a match on ESPN today, I discovered another knock-out billiards player. In addition to Jeanette Lee, who has received much press in the past due to her dominating playing and good looks, I saw a woman named Jennifer Barretta.

I need a pool table post-haste and some balls stat. A rack of billiard balls and a cue wouldn't hurt either.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Worth his weight in pizzas

Apparently, pizza is a highly sought after currency in Australia. A prison gaurd was held hostage by inmates and was released in exchange for 20 pizzas. One line in the article that really concerned me, and my faith in the Australian corrections people, is that "...authorities caved in to demands for pizza."

That they "caved in to demands for pizza" when a fellow guard was being held hostage kind of worries me. Think about it from the point of view of the hostage.

Inmates: "We have a few demands, mate."

Negotiators: "We hear you, what do you want. Money, a getaway car, political freedom, whatever you want, just don't harm the hostage, mate."

Inmates: "Ok, write this down...we want five pepperoni, five cheese, five supremes, four veggies, and one with soy cheese, mate."

Negotiators: "Whoa, if we're talking pizzas, forget it, mate."

Hostage: "What the fuck! Here's my credit card, order in, mate!"

Once it was agreed that pizzas would be delivered, negotiators pushed for only 10 pizzas. But after the finger of the hostage was sent out as a warning, they "caved in" for the entire 20. The finger was later recovered from a bowl of Wendy's chili.

Unfortunately, one hostage was lost when the pizzas didn't arrive in 30 minutes or less.

After the hostage was released, and in subsequent interviews with the head negotiator, it was later revealed that the guard who was held hostage owed the negotiator money.

Friday, May 06, 2005

you think you can catch keyser soze?

Originally uploaded by jhc.
via the bbc:

A fugitive domestic cat suspected of carrying rabies must be killed, Chile's highest court has said.

The Supreme Court upheld an earlier ruling saying Luz, an angora cat from Valparaiso, should be decapitated.

Now police are searching for Luz after she escaped from an animal detention centre in the port city, west of the capital Santiago.

this cat is the baddest motherfucker of all time. if an entire country (especially one that doesn't have the friendliest of histories) was trying to fucking decapitate me, i would be shitting in my pants. this cat's all like, 'get the fuck off me!' and just strolls out of jail. she doesn't even have opposable thumbs, yet she is fully capable of escaping from jail. this amazes me.

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Thursday, May 05, 2005

Is It Lactose Free or Not? Air France

I recently traveled abroad to Prague, Czech Republic. My mode of transportation: Air France. Overall, the airline was very good. They even had attractive stewardesses. The food, however, was a different story for me.

The food itself looked appetizing, for those without the intolerance. The main courses had a cream sauce, the sides included a hunk of cheese, milk, yogurt, and the dessert was usually a cream filled something or other. Don't get me wrong, it looked great. And having not eaten in 8 hours, it tasted pretty good, too. However, even with the Lactaid pills, let's just say that the person sitting next to me probably wished there was better ventilation in the plane.

The final verdict: no, Air France food is not lactose free. 5 Lactaid pills per meal.

Aside: The people in France are as rude as they are depicted in movies/shows. And they smell like that cartoon skunk. Well, let's call a spade a spade, I probably did too after traveling for 10 hours.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

shh shhh had me at 'overly sexual'


boingboing points to what started out as the greatest moment in texan cheerleading-related legislative history (and as a student of the field, believe me, the lineage is both long and distinguished), only to turn into the worst:

"Girls can get out and do all of these overly sexually performances [in cheerleading routines], and we applaud them...[ed: YES! FINALLY, we are in complete agreement on something!]...and that's not right," [ed: FUCK!] said Democratic Rep. Al Edwards, who filed the legislation. Edwards argued bawdy performances are a distraction for students resulting in pregnancies, dropouts and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Ribald performances are not defined in the bill. "Any adult that's been involved with sex in their lives, they know it when they see it," he said.

wait, since when have distraction, pregnancies, dropouts, and stds been bad things in texas? isn't herpes your state bird?

but seriously, maybe you got it all wrong democratic representative al edwards. just maybe...

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religion, marriage, divorce, sex, etc., etc., ad nauseum....and jaywalking?


even more infoporn on relationships! what the hell is wrong with me these days?

these stats are via the harper's index:

Ratio of ultra-Orthodox jaywalkers in Israel to secular jaywalkers: 3:1

Percentage of born-again U.S. Christians who have been divorced: 35

Percentage of other Americans who have been: 35

Chances that the divorce of a born-again Christian happened after he or she accepted Christ: 9 in 10

Estimated number of young Christians in 1995 who had pledged to wait until marriage for sex: 2,500,000

Estimated percentage who waited: 12

(pic is of a mononoke-esque streetmeme that i've been seeing everywhere these days...this one was by chris's cafe.)

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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

food pr0n

Originally uploaded by jhc.
i'm a celibate vegetarian who doesn't watch tv, but this picture of paris hilton stuffing her face with a giant hamburger still gives me an instant and quite painful boner. what does this mean?

via the superficial.

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i.q. and relationships

construction math

while trying to power through my rss-backlog, i tripped over this month-old marginal revolution post pointing to an absolutely crazy study on childhood i.q. and eventual marital status:

In one study, four British universities measured the IQ of 900 11-year-olds and revisited them 40 years later to see how their lives had moved on.

They found that the brighter girls were less likely to find a man who wants to marry them, with their chances diminishing dramatically in direct proportion to their level of intelligence.

For each 16-point rise in their IQ, their marriage prospects fell by 40 per cent.

In contrast, boys' chances increased by 35 per cent with each 16-point rise.

after much internal debate, i decided to leave the expected misogynistic humor as an exercise for the reader. please commence with the tom-foolery via comments.

if you want a copy of the article but don't have access, drop me an email and i'll send you one -- the discussion section is pretty interesting.

in any case, if you are a girl w/ an i.q. atleast 2 sigmas above the norm -- and you got a bangin body -- holla at a nigga.

jesus '332%-more-likely-to-get-married-than-your-dumb ass' christos.

(pic is of some construction numbers in big bro's stairwell. pic taken by little bro.)

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Sunday, May 01, 2005

i reminisce for a spell, or shall i say think back...

sunset, feb. 16th

for some reason, i got nostalgic about wired back when it was good, so i started reading random articles from way back. this one on jean-louis gassee and be was great:

Then, when [gassee] discovers a new way of describing his company - as "the Pete's Wicked Ale of computer companies" - he shares his delight: "My nipples harden!"
Gassée recalls that there was a major cultural conflict with which to contend. "I came from France - I spoke my mind. It's a more abrasive culture. I saw the Apple IIGS and said, 'This is fucked!' and it did not amuse some people. In France that's an opening statement.
Gassée recounts, "I had the 'seminal' dinner conversation at Maddalena's when John Sculley asked me what I thought of him, and I answered honestly. After the dinner, the vice president of human resources at Apple, Kevin Sullivan, put his arm around my shoulder and told me he was proud of me. Right there and then, I understood I'd done something irreparable - luckily so."
...described by John Dvorak as "the mind of a Frenchman which is unfortunately trapped inside the body of a Frenchman," a quote Gassée appends to his email...
It somehow brings me back to words Gassée had uttered in a less tranquil moment: "The romance of Silicon Valley was about money - excuse me, about changing the world, one million dollars at a time."

for an idea on how old this article is:

Worthington feels there is a "silliness" to those older operating systems. "On the Mac, you are limited as far as file size. You can't have a file greater than two gigabytes, which is ridiculous because today you can buy a nine-gigabyte drive for $4,000..."
[gassee] also thinks that at some point this year, we'll all be able to "efficiently buy things safely" on the Web, which will have "more refined content and presentation."

jesus fucking christ.

(pic is of a february sunset from the roof of the kimmel center. i'm a big fan of philly skies...)

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